
Anamorphic Depth of Field for Unreal Engine 5 Path Tracing

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Anamorphic Depth of Field for Unreal Engine 5 Path Tracing

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Path Tracing in Unreal Engine 5 is getting better and better, and with the support for Exponential Height Fog and Decals which is planned to be released with UE 5.1, artists can render their amazing cinematics in Path Tracing! And to get the more cinematic look for your renders, I made this blueprint for Path Tracing renders only inside Unreal Engine 5. The blueprint offers various options to tweak the bokeh and has some other features!


Cat eye bokeh and Vignette

Bokeh cutoff

Bokeh Ring Strength

Bokeh Ring Size

Bokeh Aspect Ratio


Exposure Compensation

Anamorphic Bokeh Before and After Comparison:

Cat Eye Bokeh and Vignette Before and After Comparison:

Bokeh Cutoff Before and After Comparison:

Bokeh Ring Strength 0.25 - 0.85 Comparison:

Focus breathing effect:

The slight zoom in or out that you see in the frame is called Focus breathing, also called lens breathing, is a term used to reference the change in a lens’ focal length as the focal distance changes.

Few notes to take in consideration:

  • I highly recommend to keep the Focal Length and Aperture values the same. If you change them, it will break the Anamorphic bokeh look.
    If you do however choose to change the Focal Length, increasing the Aperture should somewhat fix the issue. (e.g. Focal Length with the value of 60, should be looking correct with the Aperture value of 3)
  • When enabling/disabling the Cat Eye Bokeh and Vignette effect or changing the Bokeh Aspect Ratio, the camera exposure will change. That's when the Exposure Compensation feature comes in handy, you can slide it and get your desired exposure. Of course you can do the same thing inside Post Process Volume, but I felt implementing this in the blueprint next to other features would be a lot easier.
  • Make sure to enable "Reference Depth of Field" feature in Post Process Volume by searching "Path Tracing"

  • Also make sure in Project Settings to set the Near Clip Plane value to 1.

No coding/programming was used in making this. It's simply a CineCamera blueprint with it's features.

If you stumble upon any issues or have other questions, you can message me at twitter:


I want this!

You'll get a Cine Camera with with Anamorphic features.

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